Thursday 26 March 2009

Irregular update

There's been little activity on here recently, partly because i feel i have little of worth to say at the moment. Mostly i've been working, seeing the girlfirend or working on the film that will eventually get made at my cinema.
This is what i felt was worth writing about today, as yesterday Dan and I bashed out most of the plot for the Cineworld Zombie movie, which just proves that we love to make things difficult for ourselves, we decide to make a movie on no budget and it immediately has to have extras and effects make up. oh Well, at least we're not trying to get inot a festival or anything this time, we're just doing it for oursleves. When there's a properly written plot outline i'll post it here if people would find that interesting?

In the meantime i seem to now be officially in a band, after much talking about it the Z Stacks (pronounced ZED) have now actually got together and played together a few times. As a person with no knowledge of music theory it sounded pretty awesome to me, though now i have to write some words to these songs.................